Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Rest, Restore, Reset

Will you join me for a little coffee chat?

I sat down and started staring at this blank screen with the cursor blinking at me I started thinking about our lives.  Our lives are a lot like this blank computer screen when they start out.  A simple, white, empty canvas ready to be filled up with words and pictures. Throughout this canvas there will be mistakes made.  We type out our story on the screen and we misspell a word and a red line appears there's that constant reminder there has been a mistake made.  Those reminders are there as a way of telling us that we made a mistake and something needs to be fixed.  Most of the time we are quick to hit that backspace key and correct the mistake we just made. While other times we tend to let the errors pile up until the end of our work.  

Wouldn't it be great if life was that simple, that if we made a mistake or did something wrong we could just it the backspace button and it would all be gone so we can start over.  
So...we may not have the backspace button to erase with; but, we can make a fresh start.

Your story is constantly being written and you are continually discovering to ways to succeed and new ways that things won't work out.   So when things don't work out....

We have the opportunity to take the time to REST and RESET...

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17. (NLT)

How can I do this? How does it look?

  • Take some time for yourself.  A little bit time to pause in the work day and focus on your needs and spiritual health. 
  • Dig into scripture and allow God to speak to you through His words.
  • Take a walk in nature and observe the beauty of creation around you. We often tend to get so caught up in our schedules that we miss the little things that made our community what it is. 
  • Keep your focus and let in others to help keep you accountable.
  • Join a Life Group in your local church that fits your needs, or start your own.
  • Or maybe, just take some time to spend time with friends. Develop relationships and invest in one another.  If we are always on the go, then when do we have time for relationships with people?  Make time for each other.  

Stop. Breathe.  Rest. Reset.

Enjoy life!

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