Monday, January 9, 2012

I don’t need easy, just possible!

soul_surfer02 I just love the movie ‘Soul Surfer’ and being able to watch how Bethany Hamilton works through her struggles and accomplished what she set out to do.  I was listening to an inspirational message the other day by Kali Deblander Brigham and she was talking about the movie Soul Surfer and how she finally was able to watch it and about how motivational and inspirational it was.  She had talked about an anagram for POSSIBLE that she came up with from watching the movie, and I loved this so much I just had to share it.
– being consistent in good days and bad, staying on track.
Others – focusing on other people takes your mind off of your own struggles, and places it on someone else.
Support – by having people around us who challenge us and push us to move forward, because they see our potential.
Seeing the Big Picture – by Bethany challenging herself she was taken around the world to Thailand to help people there.  She was meant for more, she was stepping out of her comfort zone and seeing more.
Innovative – Learning and learning a new way to do things.  You have to keep learning and sometimes re-learn.  Bethany had to learn again how to duck dive so she can get to the waves faster and more efficiently.  She had to keep trying no matter how difficult it was for her.
Believe – she believed in what she was doing by believing and having faith that ‘with God, all things are possible!’
Love – what you do. Love the Lord with all your heart with all your mind and with all your strength.  With all the talk about the Passion 2012 conferences, you can really see (or hear about) people coming back from there with a greater love and passion!
Embrace – what makes you different, unique and special!!!  Where is your passion?

soul surfer3Bethany’s passion for LOVING her Heavenly Father with all her heart, mind and soul allowed her to fulfill her passion of surfing.  Even only having one arm she was able to BELIEVE  and EMBRACE what made her different from other people and pull from the SUPPORT of OTHER people around her.  She was able to PRACTICE until she was able to get up on her board and duck dive.  She was able to SEE the big picture as she traveled to Thailand with World Vision.  And, she was able to be INNOVATIVE in how she was learning all over again to surf on a whole new level.
“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

In the Message Bible it reads from verses 10-14, “I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles. “

This past summer a  couple of us did a skit at a church where we had to ‘learn to surf.’  We had to rely on others to help us and guide us in the proper procedures so we weren’t injured.  Just how we learn to rely on Christ to get us through difficult situations in our lives. 

learning to surf vbs
Learning to Surf in a VBS skit this past summer! :)

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