Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Most likely when you think of the Fourth of July, you think of a day of with family and friends, fun, barbecue picnics and fireworks.  You may also think of this being a day to remember those who fought for and stood up for this countries freedom so long ago and right now today.  This also being a day to remember our freedom to worship Christ whenever we want with out having to hide!  

John 8:36 says, " So if the Son sets you free,you will be free indeed."

As time passes by and years come and go, our jobs as follower's of Christ gets more important day after day.  The harder the times get in this world the more we need to share the love of Christ and why He is so important to our lives as Christians.  In this day and age people tend to take for granted that we have so many churches around in our country, but seriously what's the point of having so many "church buildings" if we're just sitting around talking among ourselves.  If we were really being "the church" we would be stepping out of the building we worship in more often and 'hitting the streets,'  bring church to the one's who have been afraid to step into a church building or traumatized in some way by "so-called Christians."  Even by changing they way we have our worship services by being able to make our services casual enough for people to really feel welcome and comfortable enough to 'walk-in off the street' and sit down have a cup of coffee or glass of ice tea and hear about the love that Christ has to offer them, without feeling judged by their attire or past behavior. 

Acts 20:24 says, "But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."

I love this verse, we used this verse in my drama group in college for the back of our t-shirts. It was a great reminder to remember what our work is to do here on Earth.

Today is a another great reminder of what Christ did for us in the cross over 2000 years ago. By giving us the freedom to live. Now we can tell others about the same freedom. 

Side note: Also, it's another great day to bake something fun and different!. Here's a firework cake made! 



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