Saturday, March 1, 2014

Before you speak…T.h.i.n.k.

Coffee Chat #4

It’s coffee time! I love being able to go grab a cup of coffee with a friend and just be able to talk with each other about what’s been happening in our lives.  It feels great to be able to really connect with friends, it’s how we are able to keep so close.  So why not make that same commitment with our God, Our Father.  Schedule a coffee date with Him everycoffee2 day and catch up on life’s standings.

I can’t believe that it is already March!  So much has happened and so much is getting ready to happen as we speak.  I just want to say that, it is so true that with God, all things are possible.  Even when trials thinkcome your way, the trials with give you more strength that you could ever imagine.  God is with us in our trials and He is always there in our lives.  So let us rejoice in the trials just as we rejoice in the great things that happen in our lives, they only make us stronger. 
   I love the T.h.i.n.k. picture to the left here.  Some great questions to ask yourself before saying something to someone.
   I was listening a message and the speaker was reading from James 1.  It says in James 1:2-4 (AMP) that, "’to consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, when ever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.  Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring our endurance and steadfastness and patience.  But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.’
There’s that saying that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.  We are to listen to one another twice as much as we are to speak.  While for some listening is actually a great spiritual gift of theirs, whereas, for others it’s a daily battle each day.  The mouth is said to be known as sharper than a double edged sword, and if you know anything about swords…that can really hurt when it pierces you. 
It’s quite possibly one of our biggest challenges as humans…watching what we say, because let’s face it, we are human and sometimes that ‘filter switch’ doesn’t get flipped in james1our brains and we tend to blurt out whatever is on our mind without even thinking about it.  For one, you never know how someone is going to take a criticism and if you are too blunt with your words you could hurt someone more.  We need that empathy for people, we need to be able to see ourselves in their situation to be able to see how we would like to have someone react to us.  Without empathy, you could end up hurting feelings and doing far more damage to the self-esteem in people. 

People don’t like to be pushed around.  Although, some people tend to be ‘go with the flow’ people a little bit more, but don’t try and take advantage of their kindness just because they don’t say much.  They are observing the situation going on, they are noting behavioral patterns, if they feel taken advantage of or not understood, chances are they are not going to trust you as much as they would someone who is more real and willing to listen to them. They will ‘clam up’ more if they feel you’re pushing them.  So speaking harshly to them could hurt them as well, so listen to them more, understand them and be honest with them, in a loving matter, and the trust will be stronger.
Kindness will give you strength and others will respect you for it.  Be real, be genuine, be honest and think before you talk and act.  You’ll be respected for it in the long run. 
Sometimes people will hurt you with words.  But we don’t have to retaliate and sink to their level.  If we can rise above of the situation and put one foot in front of the other and keep moving on and past them, we show that we have the dignity to come away from a bad situation and show love with our actions rather than words of anger.
I love listening to Lysa TerKeurst and reading her posts. She always tends to have those real-life honest moments that we all have in our life.  She seems to get the reality of being real with people. It is so true that in order to reach someone you have to be real and be honest with them. But you have to do it in a loving way. People may not want to hear what you have to say but if your honest with them they will hopefully be honest with you. Sometimes we end up in situations we don't like but if we trust Jesus and can keep moving forward. 
I'll end with this great gut-honest prayer by Lysa TerKeust, “God I don’t love this situation.  But I love You.  Therefore, I have everything I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and will walk though until I get to the other side of this.  I trust in You.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



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