Monday, June 25, 2018

Embrace the Unexpected

Adventure Awaits!

When you are about to embark on your next adventure and the time to leave is closing in, your heart is racing and your head is spinning, and the fear of the unexpected creeps in. 

Well, here it is... FOUR days before leaving for the refugee camp in Greece. So many emotions happening right now.  Thinking about preparations to make and plans to lay out.  It's only that I realize I can only plan so much and the rest...well...stay tuned for how this adventure plays out in the coming weeks.

Excited, nervous, a little scared. Am I really supposed to do this? What did I sign up for?  All legitimate questions going through my head right now.

I’m terrified of not being fully prepared for what I may encounter over there, but it was in my devotional time this week when I was reading about choosing peace. The storm of life rages all around us. Fear creeps into our lives on a daily basis. It is when we choose to take a stand against this fear and look fear in the eye and say, “you don’t own me!” “You have no business inferring in the plans that have been set before me!” “We are through!”

Fear can't exist when our mind is fully focused on and filled with God.  When the storm is all around us and we are trying to weather the chaos, we often get discouraged.  When circumstances change and unexpected things get thrown at us, we feel helpless and confused, not knowing which way to go.  We are not meant to go through the storms of this life alone. Jesus is always there and will always be there for us, He is the true peace and comfort that we need and long so much for.  

In Matthew 14:22-36, we read about the disciples seeing Jesus in the storm while they are out on a boat.  They were terrified at the storm raging all around them.  Peter, being the one to walk toward Jesus on water even got scared and began to sink into the rough waves.  Peter started sinking when he took his eyes off of Jesus and began focusing on his fear. When we keep our eyes on Jesus and focus on Him even in the tough times, when the storm is raging, and the waves are high we can feel peace and comfort in the midst of the storm and we can release our fears to The One who can carry us through our storms.  

As we are traveling overseas, I pray for our team as we draw closer to God in prayer and in relationships with each other, that we can be vulnerable as we talk to and do life together in the coming weeks.  As we come together to be the hands and feet of Jesus, let us also remember that we need to fill ourselves up as well in God's Word.  Fill us with passion and the strength to keep going when things are going to get difficult and rough. The waves will eventually calm and the sun will shine through the clouds again.  When we remain strong and confident in the Lord we can make it through.  We may get bruised along the way, but it's through the bruises that tell an amazing story.

Matthew 25:25-36

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.

Through out these next few weeks I want to share about what's happening.  I want to give a greater knowledge to what is not spoken a lot about. I want to spread awareness by writing about these experiences, corresponding about life circumstances in a foreign country, and to be able to bring a little hope to those who need it.  I can't wait to see everything God has for us over in Greece.

Francesca Battistelli - The Break Up Song


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