Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today I Dare to Be..............

Daring to be....

A couple weeks ago, I read a blog from Natalie Grant (recording artist).  She presented people with a challenge, a challenge to step out of their comfort zone and dare to be more of something they tend to struggle with.   I wanted to share her blog on here as well, so we all can dare to be the kind of girl that God has called us to be.  Through our faith, we can do anything through Christ.  

"If you’re anything like me, you have a catalog in your mind of some pivotal moments in your life when different people may have said “you can’t…”

Some of those defining moments have stayed with me, influenced me, kept me from believing that I am who God says that I am.
But the more I have discovered about Jesus and the more I learn of His thoughts towards me, what once were deafening and defeating statements, are replaced by the Truth of God.
I’m calling on all my girlfriends to rise up and be a part of a revolution. That together, with one voice, the earth would hear us, as the sisterhood of God say, “yes, we can.”
My challenge to not worry, be afraid or scared but to
rely on  God to get me through and renew my strength!
Dare To Be is a call for women to stand and say “I am who God says that I am. I can be what God says I can be. I can do what God has asked me to do.” If we could begin to see what God sees when He looks at us, how would that change our lives, marriages, families, communities and the world?
When Jesus asked Peter to walk on the water, I’m betting there were many “I can’t” thoughts that initially crossed his mind. But because Peter dared to believe and trust, Jesus accomplished the impossible through his life. He wants to do the same through us. Jesus didn’t say, “I’m sorry, Peter, but water-walking is for Messiahs only.” No, he said one simple word: Come. God is daring us to do impossible things by faith.
This is what I am asking of you. Throughout the week, I want you, daughter of the King, to dare to believe & live 1 thing God has called you to be.
So, what will you DARE TO BE? Love, kindness, hope, courage, joy, peace, justice, freedom, empowered, uncompromising, forgiving, whole....Natalie Grant

“I can do all things through CHRIST…”(Phil 4:13) – and so can YOU!

We can all think of times in our lives where we have not done something because we were either told we couldn't do it or we were afraid that we couldn't do it.  When we dare to step our of our comfort zone, to step out with our faith and to be the girl that we are called to be by our God, we can accomplish anything we set our hearts to.  As we put aside the "I cant's and You can'ts"  and change our words to the "I cans," bigger things can happen.  We can change our world, if only we change our words, not in only how we talk but how we think; because, as most of us know we 'think' more than we 'talk.'  So what are you 'daughter of the King of Kings' daring to be each week?  Step what to the person that God has called you to be....and just remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made and a child of the King!  YOU ARE LOVED!

**Video attachment of Natalie Grant's song, "Daring to be"

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