Thursday, October 17, 2013

Coffee Chat #2

Overcoming a Hurricane...

I hope everyone had an amazing week!  So, as I was deciding over this weeks topic over this past week, Natalie Grant's new album, Hurricane, has been being played over the Christian radio stations. I love the title song, IMG_0435Hurricane.  Just because, sometimes in life it feels like we have been hit with a hurricane, a great, big gust of wind whisks by just to knock us down. Sometimes it's hard to get back up and start again.  Sometimes we feel as if it's easier just to stay down and not to care anymore about anyone or anything.    It just seems easier, to stay down, right?  Wrong!  Although it may seem like the 'easy' out, it's better to get back up and start again.
Has your life ever felt like a hurricane has just blown in leaving you in pieces?  Most of us have experienced some sort of trials at some point in our life.  So, like the song, "I’ll step out on the edge" and share my heart though this blog. 
Speaking of tough experiences, they really only make us stronger when we experience them.
have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
We all experience trials and sometimes we have experiences with people are going through trials around us and hurt the people around them with their words and/or actions
 It's like being in the midst of a hurricane.  It's hard not to feel a little betrayed by people you thought you knew and sometimes betrayal can make you just want to crawl into a corner never to come out again.   It can make you feel completely alone.  We have to continue to love and show compassion, just as Christ showed to us.  No matter how hurt we are in this world, with God on our side whom shall we fear! God will get us through the storms in our lives because He walks us through them. 
 So forgive those who have hurt you.  The power of forgiveness is much stronger than anything anyone can ever do or say to us!

It’s then that I heard the words to this song, 'step out on the edge, don’t be afraid of it, when you feel the rain, call His name He’ll find you in the Hurricane.'  And, even though we feel hurt and betrayed, we know that God was on our side and we have nothing to fear as along as we put our trust in our Heavenly Father.  He can get us through anything that we are going through, if we just CALL HIS NAME!

I’m not saying that it was easy, I’m saying that it is possible to move on from the hurt and be healed from the pain that someone/something has caused you.  Forgiveness is just a powerful thing.  When we choose to forgive those who have hurt us, we can free ourselves from the past and press on toward the future and the good that God has in store for us. 

I’ve found a shelter, a safe place through Christ, someone that I can tell everything to from my joyful times to my more tough times.  He is my shelter in the raging storm of the Hurricane.



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